The Enneagram is much more than nine points at the intersection of a triangle and a hexagon or a set of categories or types into which people can be classified. It is a psychodynamic framework that provides a powerful model for understanding how development and integration work.
The Enneagram does not offer a quick fix that has a limited lifespan once insight is achieved. It allows people to improve themselves over time as the Enneagram continues to speak to us as we and our circumstances change.
In this context, wings, instincts, levels of integration and lines represent the movement and journey we take in life. The gift of the Enneagram is the richness of potential and movement it offers by providing flexibility between the main types, wings and levels of relaxation and connection lines and integration to more fully explore one's essence.
There are three basic ways to look at movement in the Enneagram:
Moving around the circle, connecting points on either side of your main type to your immediate neighbors.
Moving along the circle towards connected points, your points of tension and relaxation.
Moving from a relationship stuck in our main type to letting go of core fears and moving beyond the limitations of the type.